Yes. Toga Wedding. Odds are I will never see anything like this ever again. There's a good chance this will never happen again in history. So when Chris and Jess asked me to do it, I said YES immediately, because it's just too awesome. Chris is easily one of the funniest people I've ever met, and I will always think of him as AWESOM-O. Jess is totally easy-going and sweet and awesome enough to put up with her now husband occasionally breaking out a neon green speedo in public. So of course they got married. And of course they say let's have a toga wedding because they met at a toga party. So please admire the most unique wedding you'll ever makes me glad to know my copyright is on these photos....
Even the dog dressed up. Seriously.
Sorry Dana....That bigass hair needed to go on the internet.
You can't get these dudes together without some wrestling happening...I believe they were imitating the interesting "greek statue" below. Thank god it didn't end up being the cake topper.
Best Friends Forever!!!